
Latest news:

January, 2007:
New design and layout finished and uploaded to our new Server. Development of our all new sub-site dealing solely with Boundary Disputes and Expert Witness services reflecting our increasing involvement in this area of specialist mapping.   


More info:

If you want to know more about how our services will be able to help you please do not hesitate  to contact us.

Send an email to Contact Us or alternatively contact Mike on 0044 (0)28 302  67197 for a no obligation discussion.



Leisure and Golf Course Surveys

Hannaway & Hannaway offer a cost effective alternative for laying or recording golf course features anywhere in Ireland. We place your course on the ground quickly and accurately, identifying all course features, irrigation components, drainage features and structures..

The services are of particular interest to Course Designers, Architects, Contractors, Club Superintendents and Owners.

See your designs using 3D Virtual Reality using our 3d modeling and visualisation software. We offer a range of virtual reality modeling services which are designed to help present the designs, let you see and evaluate changes and help you with  marketing and promotion. The dynamic 3d representation allowing walk and flythrough integrated in the terrain model of the area the course is located is especially useful for planning application purposes.

As Land and Chartered Engineering surveyors we are especially well suited to provide engineering and measurement services which could save you money.

If you are developing a Course 
We can provide a from inception to completion service where we can carry out the initial survey provide control for the contractors and monitoring surveys as development continues. 3d models and visualisations would come direct from our own base survey and your designers drawings. 

If a survey has already been carried out 
For the modeling: all we need is the design drawing with contours. This can be in Hard copy (Paper Plans)  or Soft Copy (eg  DXF/DWG File although other formats are acceptable) 
For engineering services, Volume calculations, Cut and Fill Calculations, we also require the original base survey drawing. This information can be emailed direct to us at
If you are an Course Superintendent or Owner
All in One: No more flipping between paper copies of drainage and irrigations maps! we will provide one seamless, easy-to-read, layered map to view all features, utility and irrigation information.
Area Calculations: You have instant access to area calculations of all course features, especially useful during budgeting time. Accurate areas of tees, greens, fairways, sand traps, water, and rough will come in handy when ordering materials.
Interactive: An interactive, scaled and accurate map of the entire golf course property gives the ability to get quick measurements, instant identification and attribute information which can be compiled or printed right from the computer in the superintendent's office.
Staff Communication: Makes it easier to communicate to the grounds crew the areas of the course that require work. For instance, the ability to view, search, measure and print right from the office, makes it easy to explain to occasional help exactly where the quick coupler is on a green that needs to be hand watered.
Improved Decision Making: Wherever your office is, with a map of the course on your computer, you can make educated decisions regarding issues at the course, as if the course is right in front of you.
Promotional Material: The digital data can be easily read in most graphical computer formats and used for yardage books, golf course paraphernalia, pro shop information, or score cards